Category: Bible Study

  • #WCSK Episode 2.3: Baptism

    #WCSK Episode 2.3: Baptism

      Introduction In the Great Commission, Jesus says the following: “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo,…

  • #WCSK Episode 2.2b: The Tabernacle

    #WCSK Episode 2.2b: The Tabernacle

    The Tabernacle Proper The walls of the tabernacle proper and its pillars were made of two distinct materials: acacia wood and gold. The gold was pure and refined and the wood was a very special type: acacia or shittim, an incorruptible form of desert wood. Gold represents deity. Acacia trees grew in the desert only…

  • #WCSK Episode 2.2a: The Tabernacle

    #WCSK Episode 2.2a: The Tabernacle

    Introduction The tabernacle is the single subject that God devoted the most attention to in the entire Bible. So, the eternal God of the universe, the King of Kings and the Alpha and the Omega decided of all things He could speak about, He would spend the most time on the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle is…

  • #WCSK Episode 2.1: Faith

    #WCSK Episode 2.1: Faith

    Greetings to all! I trust you have had a restful summer, and I am glad you have returned for the second installment of What Christians Should Know. Let’s get started. In the last series, I spoke about faith excessively and on many occasions did not refer to “Christianity” but instead to the “Christian faith.” The…

  • #WCSK Episode 1.10: Worship

    #WCSK Episode 1.10: Worship

    Worship is the topic of our last lesson because everything in the Christian’s life should ultimately end at worship. Each and every thing that we do should be aimed at glorifying God. In this general sense, worship encompasses the totality of a person’s thoughts and deeds. The Hebrew word for worship is shacah, which means…