The Spirits of Ahab and Jezebel (I Kings 21:1-17)
King Ahab and Queen Jezebel are two historical monarchs who appear in the narratives of the Old Testament. Ahab is best known for his failure to lead and his open endorsement of idolatry. Jezebel is best known for her bad behavior unbecoming of a queen, so much so that calling a woman a “Jezebel” is…
The Beautiful Love of God (Two)
In the last post, we used Jeremiah 31:3 as a scriptural springboard to propel us toward the rich river of promises that speak of the beautiful and magnificent love of God. Today, the focus will remain on God’s love, but I will encourage all readers to stay focused on divine mercy and not to doubt…
The Beautiful Love Of God (One)
Today, I have words of hope and encouragement for the weary Christian: do not forget about the beautiful, magnificent and eternal love of God. Allow your mind to be saturated with the memories of the kind, good works that God has continually wrought for His people. Allow your heart to be warmed by the hopeful…
Good Medicine Follows God’s Prescriptions
Now, in the spring of 2022, the world is a very different place compared to where it was before the worldwide outbreak of a novel virus two years ago. For many individuals the way they think about public health, personal health, sickness and personal hygiene has radically changed. The question now becomes, is that change…
Scripture Interprets Scripture
The Reformation axiom “Scripture interprets Scripture” speaks to the idea that when we interpret the Bible, we allow God to speak for Himself. We allow the author of Scripture to interpret His own words. If Scripture does not interpret Scripture, then something else will. What do I mean when I say that? If a person…