Category: Bible Study

  • When My Freedom Conflicts With Your Conscience (On Bodily Autonomy & Vaccine Mandates)

    When My Freedom Conflicts With Your Conscience (On Bodily Autonomy & Vaccine Mandates)

    Introduction In my last post, I spoke about individual freedom: I argued that all people are free because God made them so. This includes the innate freedom to think, to speak and to choose. I focused on the freedom of the individual. In this post, I will provide a biblical framework for thinking about individual…

  • All People Are Free Because God Made Them So

    All People Are Free Because God Made Them So

    Introduction All people are free because God made them so. That is the central proposition for which I will provide biblical evidence here. Furthermore, this proposition has three powerful applications: that is, because all people are free, they are free to think, they are free to speak and they are free to choose. You see,…

  • Repentance is Not Behavior Change

    Repentance is Not Behavior Change

    You may or may not relate to the following hypothetical scenario: You are a believer and ascribe to the idea that repentance equals behavior change. You have a biblical understanding of what sin is, so repentance in your mind means “stop doing it,” whatever sin it is. Because genuine repentance is linked to behavior, you…

  • Why Modern Judaism is Not Biblical Judaism

    Why Modern Judaism is Not Biblical Judaism

    Beyond doubt, without Judaism, Christianity would not exist. Judaism laid the foundation for biblical Christianity, but for the work of the Lord to be complete, it required something to be built on top of a foundation. Without additional layers, all you have are beginnings without something that is whole or functional. Jesus, of course, is…

  • How to Fear Not

    How to Fear Not

    Let me ask you a question. In general, do you feel burdened, frustrated or disheartened about certain aspects of reality? Do you have the sense that the prevailing worldview is animating movement in a direction totally opposite to what is true, what is right and what is consistent with a biblical worldview? Do you, with…